

It all started when…

I was young. I grew up on a ranch. And we grew up working. All of us, from the time we could be of any help. It was on that dusty ranch that I learned just what I could do. And it was my parents and grandparents that taught me that hard was possible. That there was nothing that I couldn’t do if I was willing to work for it. 

I didn’t recognize it at the time, but I was helping to build dreams. Grandpa’s dream of a ranch and help for his family. My parents dream of being able to send us all to college; for us to get more education and be able to take care of ourselves. 

Helping people grow confidence and dreams never stopped for me. My first career was as a high school teacher. My days were spent trying to convince teenagers that they were capable and that they could do whatever they wanted. That their dreams were valid and possible. 

The ranch has been sold and I have left the classroom. But my passion for helping others achieve their dreams has only grown stronger. It is the thing that sets my soul on fire and what makes me excited to get up in the morning. Helping you find yourself and what you really want. That is my goal in life. 

Because you are wonderful and amazing and have probably forgotten. As humans, we forget our awesomeness sometimes. But I am here to help you rediscover you. In all your wonderfully messy glory. And to help you build the confidence to be you, a you that sets your soul on fire and makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning. 

Let’s get going! Are you ready to set off on this journey to discover, and grow your confidence? Your bravely beautiful self is closer than you think.